Google’s Panda and Fast SEO – Stay Away At ALL COSTS

Here’s a simple rule of thumb: everything that isn’t great content is high risk for SEO. Panda does not sleep!

Why dare say something so extreme?

Google’s Panda update is a two-part machine:

  1. If sees it anything doesn’t like, it WILL red flag you. (Google’s algorithm looks at every website, whether you’re brand new or 15 years established on the web.)
  2. Your site will be reviewed by a real, live Quality Assurance team. If THEY see anything they don’t like, you’re in deep trouble.

Here is the video from Allan Pollett about the Google Panda Update:

Recovering from Panda hit after High-Risk SEO

Whether you’ve been hit by Panda and are looking to recover, or you want to be on Google’s good side for your new site, there are ways you can succeed!

Recovering from Panda hit after High-Risk SEO

What Can You Do Right Now?

So, you got hit by Panda, and you want to get rid of the factors that Google slapped you on the wrist for?

Here’s what to do:

  • Get rid of duplicate & thin content – Just do it. If it’s not relevant, it’s not helpful.
  • Optimize Page Load Times – even if it means tearing your flash website down & replacing it with something HTML based like WordPress.
  • Stop thinking in number of backlinks – this will no longer save you.

What Can You Do Right Now?

What Can You Do In The Future?

Utilize low-risk SEO to succeed moving forward. It is simple and relatively easy.

The low-risk approach is as follows:

  • Regularly release fresh & unique content that is relevant to your user base.
  • Make sharing calls to action an embedded part of your content.
  • Take advantage of microformats/RDF & microdata for Search Engine Result Pages.
  • Make sure all pages are useful – even (& especially) those not made for SEO.
  • Pull relevant content from open sources of data to share additional, fresh information.

Low SEO Risk, High Reward!

Low Risk, High Reward!

All of the above approaches are low risk regarding search engines considering your site “over-optimized” or “spammy”.

These approaches also have the benefit of being highly relevant to your target users, which means that you will be rewarded richly regarding your social media following.

Want more advice as to how you can put this to work on your sites?

Contact us with your questions & we’ll be happy to help!


Greg Ichshenko

Calgary SEO expert and digital marketing specialist,
developing advertising strategies for businesses of all sizes

(403) 308-5949
1509 14 Ave SW, Calgary,
AB T3C 0W4

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