Working Hard To Write Quality Content

I may not know you personally, but I can tell you this about yourself: you can write quality content.

I am going to give you as much meat as possible in this post because it is such a central component to the quality of your website.

However, since it is such a central component to the success of your site, you will find more about this topic in most of our other posts!

Working Hard To Write Quality Content

Why You Should Care About How To Write Quality Content

That is an important point.

You need to care about how you can write quality content.

If you know how to write it, you will know how to spot it.

If you can spot it and do not have the time to write it, you can still make it a part of your website.

Because your content is the central component to keeping people coming back, creating content or having someone write quality content for you is crucial for repeat visitors and a share-worthy website.

How To Write Quality Content

How To Write Quality Content

There are many resources on how to write well for any medium, and it is important to understand why and how each medium differs if you want to write quality content to promote your organization.

The most important thing to be aware of is this:

Your natural style is one of your greatest assets.

To write quality content, you need to let your personality shine through.

There are a lot of people out in the world that can relate to you.

Keeping that in mind will make it a lot easier for people to connect with you because you are authentic.

When you are authentic, it shows.


How Not To Write Quality Content

Here are some things you should not do if your goal is to write quality content:

  • Do not try to be someone you are not;
  • Do not try to “fake it until you make it”;
  • Do not write just for the sake of writing;
  • Do not set out to write without something of value that you plan to share;
  • Do not be afraid to share your unique perspective on a topic;
  • Do not write about topics you are clueless.

The Process To Follow When You Want To Write Quality Content

The Process To Follow When You Want To Write Quality Content

Here is where the hard work comes in.

The process is as follows:

  • Make a list of the valuable tips, tricks and topics you can write about;
  • Come up with a couple of names of articles you can write based on those valuable topics;
  • Start writing those articles based on the names you have brainstormed.

It is important that you follow all three steps.

Do not be lazy, just get at it!

Get yourself out there and you will start to see how many people connect with you!

Need Some Help Writing Quality Content?

How To Write Quality Content Fast?

Here is the video from Marie Forleo where she is sharing eight secrets of how to write quality content fast:

Need Some Help Writing Quality Content?

If you run out of ideas, get in touch with me, and I would be happy to help you brainstorm more articles that fit right into your content strategy!

I am always happy to help others who want to write quality content. Feel free to contact me at any time.


Greg Ichshenko

Calgary SEO expert and digital marketing specialist,
developing advertising strategies for businesses of all sizes

(403) 308-5949
1509 14 Ave SW, Calgary,
AB T3C 0W4

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