Google Penguin: 3 SEO Tips
SEO Tips will help you to start from within your organization.
If your site lost rankings or you are in the market to upgrade your SEO, here is a help.
Following is advice based on what I am doing with my client partners that not only survived Penguin but are dominating the search engines.
SEO Tip #1: Ask Your CMS People for the Truth
The truth hurts. But it is exactly what you need to start an industrial-strength Penguin recovery plan.
Ask your IT people who handle your CMS (content management system). Most likely, they are somehow connected to your IT team.
Or worse. Your company outsources all of your site content to a third-party Calgary SEO provider.
Whoever is doing it, guess what?
They have no idea the impact what they do (writing and adding text to your site content) impacts your Penguin compliance exposure.
SEO Tip #2: Penguin & Your Rankings
You can recover. But only if your site content fully complies.
Penguin is not as cryptic as you have probably heard. In fact, it is pretty easy to comply.
The short version is it penalizes sites that over-optimize their page content for SEO.
However, if you are not penalized for over-optimization, you are still only halfway there.
Penguin also ranks sites higher if they comply with Penguin guidelines.
Content elements such as:
- Proper keyword tags
- H1, H2 & H3 tags
- In-anchor text of your keywords (no more than twice on your site)
- Relevancy for the user query
- Text length needs to be more than 300 words
- Regionalized keywords (like Calgary SEO) should be your primary targets
- Pages and post SEO optimization (instead of your index page)
- Alt image tag structure for your target keyword
- Use of keyword in your first sentence
- Links have “no follow” attributes
SEO Tip #3: Think One
Confused? Relax.
If you are reading this sentence, you are light years ahead of everyone else understanding Penguin compliance.
Think one. One target keyword per post or page on your site.
One relevant subject per page or post. Then one set of Penguin standards for each.
If you need help, I am here. Take me up on SEO audit today.