Greg Ichshenko

Calgary SEO expert and digital marketing specialist,
developing advertising strategies for businesses of all sizes

(403) 308-5949
1509 14 Ave SW, Calgary,
AB T3C 0W4

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    How Important Are Conversion Rates

    What-Are-Conversion-RatesHow important are conversion rates, you wonder? In a word? Extremely.

    What Are Conversion Rates?

    Conversion rates are measurements of the percentage of a website’s visitors that take the desired action.

    Here is an example:

    Your goal is to sell an eBook, and 10 people visit your site in a day.

    2 of those 10 visitors buy the eBook, as desired.

    Your conversion rate for that day is 20% because 20% of your visitors ‘converted’ into customers.


    Working Hard To Write Quality Content

    I may not know you personally, but I can tell you this about yourself: you can write quality content.

    I am going to give you as much meat as possible in this post because it is such a central component to the quality of your website.

    However, since it is such a central component to the success of your site, you will find more about this topic in most of our other posts!


    Three Reasons Why You Do not Need SEO

    Three Reasons Why You Do not Need SEOI talk to business owners on a daily basis, and so many of them want me to tell them – “You do not need SEO.”

    It seems like everyone has heard of SEO nowadays, and I am no longer explaining what SEO is. That is great news.

    However, so many of them want to be convinced that they do not need SEO.

    Believe it or not, I tell them it is true. For some businesses, you do not need SEO!


    Google’s Panda and Fast SEO – Stay Away At ALL COSTS

    Here’s a simple rule of thumb: everything that isn’t great content is high risk for SEO. Panda does not sleep!

    Why dare say something so extreme?

    Google’s Panda update is a two-part machine:

    1. If sees it anything doesn’t like, it WILL red flag you. (Google’s algorithm looks at every website, whether you’re brand new or 15 years established on the web.)
    2. Your site will be reviewed by a real, live Quality Assurance team. If THEY see anything they don’t like, you’re in deep trouble.


    Hiring a Calgary SEO Company

    Recently, I had a large company owner ask me for advice what to look for hiring another Calgary SEO company. Initially, they wanted to hire my firm. However, I already have a client in his industry. So I had to pass.

    This issue is critical hiring SEO consultants. I have a strict non-compete policy. I do not accept new client partners if we’re already partnering with someone else in that target industry. (more…)

    Content is King – Quality SEO content and Google Penguin Reality

    Quality SEO content and Google Penguin RealityAnyone worth their salt in SEO or web marketing will tell you this truism – Content is King. Content is King – and a good king at that.

    Why is “King Content” so good? He feeds us, keeps us safe, and is a fair judge if we are righteous. Sometimes, the king shows his flaws. Regardless of his flaws, we must respect the King!

    How can I say these things? Have I gone mad? No! It’s a metaphor. Stick with me here.

    Quality content feeds our traffic. It does so through social media & natural backlinking because good content is shared whether we make it easy or not. Is it easy to share a photo of the sasquatch you take with a disposable camera? Of course not, but you know it’s going to make its way to your website, Facebook, Twitter and everything else as soon as you’re able to share it. This is the first way that the theory “Content is King” shows its validity. (more…)

    Search Engine Ranking and Over-Optimization

    Search Engine Ranking and consequential matters “Why my website isn’t ranking?”. One of the questions my firm gets all the time is about search engine ranking.

    After spending thousands of dollars (tens of thousands for many) your site still doesn’t rank in the top 100 on Google, right?

    So what’s the answer?

    There is a handful. However, these are the usual suspects I see most of the time.

    Let’s view what we have at the moment. (more…)

    Website submission and SEO Promotion

    The following website submission tips will help you get more search engine results for your site. They also will teach you how to get backlinks to your site. In other words, get other sites linking to yours. That will increase search engine ranking of your website. Here you will find the tips: (more…)

    A Practical Approach to Better Blog Posts

    A Practical Approach to Better Blog PostsWhen you want to run your successful blog, you need to truly understand what sort of content your readers deserve to read. Not only that but how you present that content is important too. It’s all about writing blog posts that grab attention from others. The Internet sees thousands of blogs launched every day, but few of them can truly make it. And most of them happen to fail because of a lack of good, quality content. So what you need to know then, is this: what is the best way to compose effective posts? What will it take for you to offer your best and then know that you will be receiving the best in return? In this article, I will be checking out a few things that will help you with exactly that. (more…)

    Search Engines prefer useful websites and helpful content

    search engine optimization tips Have you an online business in need of some optimization tips for your website to reach the top of search engines? Then this is your lucky day because here is about to reveal some of Organic SEO tips that you can implement into your site.

    Are you excited about be able to receive targeted and high-quality free traffic from searches engines at the three up to six next months?

    All you will have need is learning to how to persuade search engines that you have the best appropriate contents for one or some keywords specified. (more…)